Our Research Programs

  The agricultural economics research focuses on the generation of information and knowledge that enhance internal and external research efficiency, and on their dissemination to relevant stakeholders. Effort at enhancing the internal research efficiency is geared towards generating information that assists research agenda setting so that research priorities are demand driven considering the diverse agro-ecologies, production systems and markets in the country. Similarly, enhancement of the external research efficiency focuses on ensuring a rapid and widespread distribution of generated technologies that bring actual changes in the income and livelihood of their user through generation of information and knowledge on production economics, agricultural marketing, rural finance, rural community development and agricultural policy analyses. Currently the program is staffed with six PhD(one woman), 22 MSc (4 women) and 9 BSc holders based in 14 research centers throughout the county.


ሓፈሻዊ ገለፃ ንጥፈታት ምርምር


ደሳለኝ እምሩ(መተሓባበሪ)



ፕሮግራም ዕብየት ሕርሻ ንቲ ናይ ሃገራዊ ትልሚ ዕብየትን ስግግርን ንምዕዋት ዝተሓንፀፀ መንግስታዊ ፕሮገራም ኾይኑ ኣብ GTP-1, AGP-1 ነይሩ ኣብ GTP-2 ድማ AGP-2 እናተተግበረ ይርከብ::

ኣብ ምርምር ሕርሻ ዝርከብ  AGP-2 ብ4ተ ንኡሳን ክፋላት ማለት እውን

  1. ቴክኖሎጂ ብምምንጫው/ብምልማድ ምውፃእ
  2. እቶም ዝወፅኡ ቴክኖሎጂ ድማ ቕድሚ ንኤክስቴንሽን ምርካቦም ናይ ምፍላጥ ስራሕ ይሰርሕ
  3. ብተጠቀምቲ ተቐባልነት ዝረኸቡ ቴክኖሎጂ ንክባዝሑ ይሰርሕ
  4. ነዚ ንምፍፃም ድማ ናይ ዓቕሚ ምዕባይ ስራሕቲ ንተመራመርቲ፣ንተጠቀምቲ ሓረስቶትን ንሰብ ሞያን ንክወሃቡን በቲ በጀት ዝፈቕዶ ኣድለይቲ ናውቲ ንክማልኡን ይሰርሕ

ኣብዞም ዝሓለፉ ሰለስተ ዓመታት ብ AGP-2 በጀት ብ9ቲኤን ምርምር ማእኸላት ብርክት ዝበሉ ንጥፈታት ምርምር ዝተኻየዱ እንትኸውን ብተመራመርቲ ዝተሰርሑ ክጋፍሑ ዝግበኦም ብሉፃት ውፅኢታት ምርምር ንምሕባር ኣብ ናይ ሎሚ ክራማት ብተለቪዥን መራከቢ ሓፋሽ ትግራይን ድምፂ ወያነን ከም ዝተመሓላለፈ ዝዝከር እንትኸውን

ብቴክኖሎጂ ምምንጫው ወይ ድማ ብምልማድ

  • ኣብ ሰሊጥ- ሰቲት-2ተን ሰቲት-3ተን ዝተብሃሉ ዓሌታት ብማእኸል ምርምር ሕርሻ ሑመራ
  • ኣብ ስርናይ ብማእኸል ምርምር ሕርሻ ኣላማጣ- ሃዲስን ሓደ ሓዱሸ ሽም ዘይተውሃቦ ዓሌት
  • ኣብ ናይ እንስሳት ቀለብ ድማ ብማእኸል ምርምር ሕርሻ ሑመራ  2ተ ናይ ከባቢ ዓሌትን ብማእኸል ምርምር ሕርሻ ሽረ-ማይፀብሪ 1á‹° ዝተመሓየሸ መኖን ወፂኦም እዮም
  • ብክልቲአን ናይ ሓመድ ምርምር ማእኸላትና ማለት እውን ማእኸል ምርምር ሓመድ መቐለ ማእኸል ምርምር ሓመድ ሽረን ኣብ ጉዳይ ምጥን መዳበርያ ዘሎ ሳይንሳዊ መርገፂ ተሰሪሑ ኣብ ቐረባ ዝተጠናቐቐ ስራሕ ኣሎ

ብቴክኖሎጂ ምልማድ ድማ

  • ብማእኸል ምርምር ሕርሻ ኣክሱም ኣብ ጣፍ ኮራን ቦሴትን ዝተበሃሉ ዓሌታትኣብ ሽምብራ ኣርቲን ዳሎታን ዝተበሃሉ ዓሌታት
  • ብማእኸል ምርምር ሕርሻ ኣላማጣ ድማ ኣብ ዓልቓይ በትሪ ዝብኢ ዝፃወር ሓሸንገ ዝተብሃለ ዓሌት ኣብ ስርናይ ድማ ኪንግ በርድ ዝተበሃለ ዓሌት ኣብ ናይ ቢራ ስገም ድማ ኢቦኒ ዝተበሃለ ዓሌት ምስ መቐለ ምርምር ማእኸል ብምትሕብባር ዝተሰርሐ ብሉፅ ስራሕ
  • ብማእኸል ምርምር ሕርሻ ሽረ-ማይፀብሪ ድማ ኣብ ማሽላ ብሰፊሑ ዝተሰርሐ ብሉፅ ስራሕ ኣብ ደቀባ፣መልካምን ጫሬን ዝተበሃሉ ዓሌታት
  • ምስ ዓሌታት ምልማድ ጎናጎኒ ድማ ናይ መካናይዜሽን ስራሕቲ ኣለው ንምጥቃስ ዝኣክል ኣብ ሰፈር ደርሆ፣መሕቆኒ ፀባ ኣብ ናይ መስመር መዝርኢን መዕፀዲን ዝተጀማመሩ ዝራሕቲ ኣለዉ
  • ኣብ ምምሕያሽ ምህርቲ  ሓደ ኮኮክ ዝተበሃለ ዓሌት ደርሆ ተላሚዱ ኣብ ፅቡቕ ደረጃ ይርከብ

እዞም ዝተዘርዘሩ ስራሕቲ ክሳብ ሕዚ ዘውፃእናዮም ቴከኖሎጂታት እንትኾኑ

  • በቲ ካልአዋይ ናይ ስራሕ ከፋል ቕድመ ኤክስቴንሽን ምምፍላጥ ገሊኦም ብሰፊሑ ገሊኦም ድማ ብውሱን መልክዑ ዝተፋለጡን ዝተኣታተዉ ዘለዉን እዮም
  • ከም ኤጂፒ በቲ ሳልሳይ እንነጥፈሉ መዳይ ድማ እቶም ዝወፁ ቴክኖሎጂ ብውሱን መልክዑ ናይ መስራቲን ቅድመ መስራቲን ዘርኢን ቴክኖሎጂ ምብዛሕን ኣካይድና ኢና

ጎና ጎኒ ድማ ሳይንሳዊ ዝኮነ ሓበሬታ ንሕብረተሰብ ንክበፅሕ ናይቶም ዝተወድኡ ቴክኖሎጂታት ብመልክእ ሕትመት 5ተ መፃሕፍቲ ተሓቲሞም እዮም ኣብዚ ዌብሳይት ምርካብ ይከኣል እዩ

http://www.tari.gov.et/index.php?page=manuals     http://www.tari.gov.et/index.php?page=preceedings

  • ናይቲ ፐሮገራም ከም ዓብይ ኣጀንዳ ዝሓዞ 4á‹­  áŠ­á‹áˆ ዝኮነ ናይ ዓቅሚ ምዕባይ ስራሕ ንምግላፅ ክሳብ ሕዚ 4 መኪና 3 ትራክተር ኢንኩቤተራትን 6ተ ግሪን ሃውስን ዓበይቲ ስራሕቲ ዝሰርሐ እንትኸው ኣብ ቀረባ እዋን ድማ ከባቢ 68,000,000 ዝግመት ናይ ላቦራቶሪ ናውቲ ተዓዲጎም ኣብ ምእታው ይርከብ

ከም ሓበሬታ

  1. ከምቲ ዝተዘርዘረ ብርክት ዝበሉ ስራሕቲ ዋላካ እንተተሰርሑ ዝወፁ ዘለዉ ቴክኖሎጂታት ናብቲ ኣብዝሓ ተጠቃማይ ሓራስታ ንምግፋሕ ግን ሕዚውን ዝተርፎን ምንባብ ዘድልዮን እዩ
  2. እቶም ዝተሰርሑ ግሪን ሃውሳት(ኣብ ማይፀብሪ፣ራማን፣ካራ ዓድሽሁ) ድማ ናብ ስራሕ ንምእታው ናይ ኤሌክትሪክ መሰረተ ልምዓት ኣቅርቦት የድልዮም
  3. ናይ ምርምር ማእኸላት ድማ ናይ ባዕለን ናይ ዘርኢ መባዝሒ መሬት ይጠልባ ዓቅመን ንምዕባይ ድማ ናይ ባዕለን ኦፊስ ዝሰርሓሉ መሬት እውን የድልየን


Project Description: The Operational Research Technology Dissemination Project (ORTDP) is Irish Aid supported project working on Participatory Evaluation and Dissemination of Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies. It has been designed with the purpose of improving the agricultural productivity, particularly crop and livestock technologies thereby improve food and nutrition security of poor households, empowering women to use agricultural technologies and building climate resilient farming system in the region.

The project has been implemented in 3 districts; Hawzien, T/Mychew and Tselemti (1 watershed from each). Technologies tested in the selected watersheds can be scaled out to  more than 70% of the administrative districts of the region.

Project Goal: To contribute to food and nutrition security, gender equity and building climate resilient farming system through introduction and dissemination of climate smart agricultural technologies

Project objectives

  • To increase crop and livestock productivity through introduction and popularization of high yielding and climate smart varieties/breeds and management practices
  • To enhance the income of resource poor households through application of improved crop and livestock technologies.
  • To empower women farmers and jobless youths participate in income generating activities through the use of research outputs
  • To improve availability and accessibility of the priority technologies of both crop and livestock commodities
  • To strengthen the linkage between research-extension-farmer through joint implementation of on farm research activities.

Implementation Modalities: The project adopted the integrated watershed and on-farm participatory approach, which allows active involvement of farmers, researchers and development practitioners at all levels. It focused on testing of appropriate and affordable technologies and trials are farmer managed with technical support of researchers and development agents.

Project beneficiaries: The ultimate beneficiaries are households who are poor and PSNP recipients and have limited access to new technologies either due to limited awareness or lack of finance to purchase technologies. More than 70% of the livestock technology beneficiaries are women.

Project outcomes

  1. Improved Productivity:

Crop Productivity: With the project support different varieties of the major food crops have been identified, demonstrated and popularized. With this there has been significant achievement in terms of improving productivities of those target crops.

Livestock Productivity: The new livestock technologies of poultry, sheep, beekeeping and feed increased productivity of eggs, meat, honey/wax and milk. As a result, farmers were able to increase their income from the sale of their animal and animal products

  1. Climate Adaptation:

Most of the crop varieties introduced mature early (from 85 to 110 days). These include majority of the wheat, teff (boset), maize, and sorghum (Melkam, Dekeba and Charie). These varieties can mature 15 to 25 days earlier compared to the local varieties.

The chicken and sheep breeds have also wider agro-ecological adaptation and to the existing farmers’ management practices.

  1. Nutrition:

Increasing productivity of animal products such as egg and milk has important contribution in improving the household nutrition. These increased HH egg and milk consumption. Crop varieties like Melkassa-6Q (Maize) and different varieties of Chickpea are also cheap protein sources to resource poor households.

  1. Women Empowerment:

With regard to use of agricultural technologies women are the most disadvantaged groups.  In this regard, majority of the project beneficiary (>70%) of the livestock technologies in general and poultry and small ruminants in particular are women farmers (women headed households and women in a male headed household). These commodities can easily be converted in to cash, have short reproductive cycle, and require relatively less input (finance, labor, feed) to manage. These enabled women to hold cash that needed for the purchase of household consumables & miscellaneous expenses.

  1. Creating Critical mass of technology users:

Obviously resource poor households have difficulties to access new technologies mainly due to lack of finance to purchase as well as limited awareness about the technologies. So far the project has benefited quite large number of resource poor households through direct provision, revolving fund as well as farmer-to-farmer exchange of technologies.


Contact Address


P.O.Box 492

Tele +251-34-409324

   Fax ፡+251-34-408028

     Email ፡haileamare2006@gmail.com

Mekelle, Tigray