FSRP-Tigray project launching workshop

by TARI Posted on 0000-00-00 ,  Category : News

Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) is being proposed as the next flagship project by the MoA to contribute to food-system-transformation, enhanced competitiveness, rural job creation, and improved resilience. This project focuses on three main pillars i) rural job creation; ii) improving competitiveness of agri-food system; and iii) enhanced resilience of agricultural sector.

In Tigray the program is going to be implemented by the regional BoARD and TARI. The launching workshop has been carriedout on 31 August, 2023 at Axum Hotel, Mekelle.

Different participants from TBoANR, TARI, different concerned sector bureaus in Tigray, the federal MoA and regional FSRP Program management units have attended the event.

The workshop was officially opened by His Excelency Ato Beyene Bokru, Head of secretariat for economic cluster of Tigray.

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Haileselassie ,On  2023-11-10

Good job